
Showing posts from August, 2014

eMi Intern Orientation Week or "Drinking from a Firehose"

*Update*  I have placed the option to subscribe via email; for the extreme planner in all of us.  I will post again in about two weeks with further details about my trip to Myanmar. Greetings from Calgary, Alberta!  I apologize in advance if this 'summary' post of my orientation week with Engineering Ministries International (eMi) seems a touch scattered.  In many ways I am still reeling from the all that was shared and discussed in the past week.  I'm going to touch on the highlights of what I learned and show some pictures of the stunning Colorado landscape. All of the interns and new staff members were placed in The Hideaway Inn and Conference Center, about 20 minutes NE of Colorado Springs.  If the ruggedness of the Canadian Shield in Ontario conveys the quiet security of God's presence, then the mountains and plains in and around Colorado Springs proclaim His majesty and vastness.  I was in mostly stunned silenced during the 80 minute drive from the airport t

The Great Unknown or "Go West Young Ben"

Ok, here we go, first post concerning all things Engineering Ministries International Canada (eMi) and my involvement with them!  My intention had been to have this inaugural post complete some weeks ago but to say that this summer has been full would be an understatement.  But enough rambling, to business! My hope for this blog is to provide a platform for informative updates on what I am up to this fall, some reflections on that work, and list specific prayer requests to engage you, my faithful readers, in the tasks that the LORD has given me. To put everyone on the same page, I'll give a brief rundown of what exactly I have gotten myself into.  For those of you familiar with what I'm up to, you can skip the next two paragraphs if you are short on time. On Sunday August 17th I am travelling to Colorado Springs, Colorado to start my 4-month internship with Engineering Ministries International.  eMi is a non-profit Christian development organization that mobilizes design