
Showing posts from February, 2018

eMi's Work at Abonse Farm Lodge or 'Meet the Team'

It has now been nearly one week since 're-entry' into Canada. I have had a chance to catch up on sleep, visit family, and eat too much Ghanian chocolate. Now I hope to convey some of what happened during my visit to Accra. The week's post will focus on the 'who' and 'what' - who I worked for and with, and what did we work on? Next week I plan on answering the question 'where' and 'why' - giving you a closer look at Ghana through these eyes and some thoughts on what brought me and our team to this country. Meet the Team Each Engineering Ministries International (eMi) project is a partnership between a ministry and volunteer team. Our client for this trip was Dr. Edward Fynn, a Ghana raised radiologist who volunteers heavily with the Navigators of Africa. Edward's vision was to develop a 70-acre site North East of Accra into a training and retreat centre. One of the Navigators main ministry thrusts is discipleship, growing Christians th

A Short Update or "Whetting the Whistle"

Lane of Cedars Cedar of Lebanon. Man for scale. I write this update from the comfort of my parent's house in Canada. I am excited to share that these past ten days in Africa have been blessed, rich, and memorable. Similar to my previous trip to Myanmar, I am planning to write some lengthy posts highlighting all things both eMi and Ghana, but for now here is a quick reflection as I fight jet lag and the memories are still fresh. On Tuesday of this week, we presented our work to the ministry - the culmination of our efforts from the week in Ghana. Typically after the presentation, the eMi team will go sightseeing and 'blow off some steam'. Having native Ghanaians on our team was a real blessing in this regard as we piled into our van and got to tour the Aburi Botanical Garden - a leftover of the British occupation. Established in 1890, the gardens are home to some pretty amazing plants. It is here a term from scripture vividly came to life. The gardens

Destination Ghana or "You are who you say you are"

I am writing this quick update from the airport in Washington. My flight to Africa leaves in just a few hours. Much has happened in the three weeks since I last wrote. My time is short so I will keep this brief. I had three prayer requests in my last update and praise God all three have been answered! My Visa arrived about a week ago, opening the door for me to officially go on this trip. Secondly, I had shared some apprehensions with the increasing role I had been assigned on this trip, and the concerns about properly serving the ministry while in Accra. When sharing my trip with my co-workers, I learned that one of our senior engineers had done design in Ghana a few years ago! All of a sudden I had an unexpected hand up in having resources for the work to come! Lastly, I am concerned about team unity and for the quick meshing of our volunteer team. I have participated in two team conference calls and needless to say I am even more excited to be a part of this project! In His way,