The Great Unknown or "Go West Young Ben"

Ok, here we go, first post concerning all things Engineering Ministries International Canada (eMi) and my involvement with them!  My intention had been to have this inaugural post complete some weeks ago but to say that this summer has been full would be an understatement.  But enough rambling, to business!

My hope for this blog is to provide a platform for informative updates on what I am up to this fall, some reflections on that work, and list specific prayer requests to engage you, my faithful readers, in the tasks that the LORD has given me.

To put everyone on the same page, I'll give a brief rundown of what exactly I have gotten myself into.  For those of you familiar with what I'm up to, you can skip the next two paragraphs if you are short on time.

On Sunday August 17th I am travelling to Colorado Springs, Colorado to start my 4-month internship with Engineering Ministries International.  eMi is a non-profit Christian development organization that mobilizes design professionals such as architects, engineers, surveyors and draftsmen to volunteer their time to act in the designing (and construction) of churches, hospitals, water treatment facilities and schools - with the express mission of 'designing a world of hope for the spiritually and physically poor.  eMi has over 50 full time staff working in 7 locations around the world to make these projects a reality.  eMi also has an intern program where upper year or recent graduate engineering/architecture students (that's me!) volunteer 4,8,12 months of their time to help with theses projects working out of one of eMi's offices.  This fall I will be working with eMi's team in Calgary, Canada.  This description is very brief and if you are curious I would heartily recommend going to eMi's website for more info on their mission and focus.  Essentially, I'm working as a missionary-engineer (missioneer?), spreading the good news of the gospel and giving those in need a very real hand up out of poverty.

Each intern is assigned to a 'project trip', the crux of eMi's ministry.  Project trips involve a team of volunteers, eMi staff and interns going to a project site, meeting with the ministry group, and in the week of being there developing the basic architectural plan for them, presenting that plan at the end of the week.  While the time is short.....  My project trip will be to Myanmar (former Burma) in September working on a project called Mission College Campus - first established in 2010 and is hoping to expand with new classrooms, staff quarters, a library and a chapel.

Here's my anticipated itinerary:

August 17th (today!) - 24th:  I and the other interns working this fall are completing orientation at eMi's global headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO.

August 24th: Fly from Denver to Calgary and get settled there.  This is where I will start to prepare for my project trip.

September 18 - 30th: Project Trip!  At this time I will be out to Myanmar with the project team.  I'll share more details once I know them, but one interesting fact is my connecting flight from Hong Kong to Yangon is through DragonAir, which is the coolest airline name I have ever heard!

The remainder of my internship will be spent in Calgary finishing the design work started on the trip.

Whew!  Needless to say it is a whirlwind of activity and I couldn't be more excited.  It has been a quick transition to get to this point as well.  Just last week I was able to get the last requirements finished for my master's work, pack up in Waterloo, move back to Mississauga and repack for the coming internship.  Within that time I was able to have two wonderful sendoffs; one with my church's small group and a dessert night with my peers this past Tuesday (see photo below).  During that time I was commissioned by my friends by the laying on of hands and prayer.  What a blessing to be surrounded by those who encouraged and supported me to this point!  It will be hard to leave this crew of stellar people but know they are 100% behind me.

Friends and family gathering to send me off!
A joyful sendoff with friends.

Each post I write will include a few specific prayer requests based on what lies ahead and as I get updates on my internship.  As of now these items are of particular importance:

  • travelling mercies for me and all the other interns as we make our way to orientation in Colorado
  • prayers for a spirit of unity and purpose among us as we learn what it means to serve in this unique way
  • my project team is currently short an architect and surveyor.  Pray that the LORD would move in the hearts of potential volunteers to fill these needs
  • Thanksgiving that in the LORD's perfect timing I was able to complete my responsibilities at school  just in time to embrace this new chapter
  • Also, thanksgiving that I am now fully funded for the internship!  The generosity of those around me can be best described as a Tsunami, but a good one.
  • lastly, I would humbly request prayer for myself as I continue transition in heart and mind to the work and people that God has set before me.  I'm a touch overwhelmed by all the change but take courage in knowing that I am his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Eph 2:10).
I close with a verse from a hymn, wedged into one of my school binders that I stumbled upon as I was packing this past Thursday.  It served to encourage me deeply throughout the past two years of master's study and is a wonderful reminder today as I leave into the great unknown completely and utterly dependent on Christ.

All the way my Saviour leads me,
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who through life has been my Guide?
Heav'nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know, whate'er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well.

Until the next post, In Christ and with love,



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