A Short Update or "Whetting the Whistle"

Lane of Cedars

Cedar of Lebanon.

Man for scale.

I write this update from the comfort of my parent's house in Canada. I am excited to share that these past ten days in Africa have been blessed, rich, and memorable. Similar to my previous trip to Myanmar, I am planning to write some lengthy posts highlighting all things both eMi and Ghana, but for now here is a quick reflection as I fight jet lag and the memories are still fresh.

On Tuesday of this week, we presented our work to the ministry - the culmination of our efforts from the week in Ghana. Typically after the presentation, the eMi team will go sightseeing and 'blow off some steam'. Having native Ghanaians on our team was a real blessing in this regard as we piled into our van and got to tour the Aburi Botanical Garden - a leftover of the British occupation. Established in 1890, the gardens are home to some pretty amazing plants. It is here a term from scripture vividly came to life.

The gardens are home to some 130-year-old cedars of Lebanon. These things are huge! These cedars are mentioned several times in the Bible, including Psalm 92:12-14.

The righteous flourish like the palm tree
and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
They are planted in the house of the LORD;
they flourish in the courts of our God.
They still bear fruit in old age;
they are ever full of sap and green,

Simply, whenever you think cedar of Lebanon, think established, sturdy, majestic, strong. It is a description of presence that I only now appreciate, and it speaks well to God's majesty and work. I have dozens of thoughts simmering now about all that went on in Ghana; but more often than not, I come back to gazing at these cedars. I think of how they only hint at the God who establishes and strengthens all things, including our work in Ghana. More than ever, I am comforted and humbled by how He guided our team over the past ten days.

I look forward to sharing more of what God did shortly.

Warmly in Him,


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