A day in the life or "The tables set before me" - also a surprise!

You are my refuge and my shield;
I have put my hope in your word.
Psalm 119:114

One of the lessons I am learning about writing online is that writer's block (blogger's fatigue?) can occur as easily at a keyboard as it can with a pen in hand.  As I type tonight it marks exactly one month since I arrived back from Myanmar.  That fact threw me for a loop - October has been a blur but full of joys.

One question that has been occurring frequently in my conversations with family and my local church is, "What are you doing now that your trip is finished?"  Here's a little look into the day-to-day of an eMi intern, a series of tables.

One of the great blessings from my time out West has been the ability to consistently start my day with a feast in God's word.  Some mornings are better than others as by His grace He reveals more of his majesty, justice and love and I 'eat' until I'm bursting with joy and praise.  Some mornings are tough; I feel as though I'm just reading words on a page and not the living truth of His word, nibbling as it were at the table spread before me.  I hope that God would make my greatest hunger not for physical bread but for the bread of life that he provides.

The morning routine, spiritual and physical sustenance.

Travelling to work has also been a highlight.  Despite increasingly cooler temperatures somehow I find myself on my bike heading out to the office.  It seems that each morning God decides to paint yet another variation on "Sunrise in Calgary".  I may have been a traffic hazard more often than not these past few weeks, catching glimpses of His creation waking up each day while pedaling furiously to the office.

This gives you about a 1% indication of the light show one sees each morning in Calgary

My working days have been primarily spent working on our design report and drawing set for the College.  It has been a slow but steady learning curve with AutoCAD, but I'm becoming more comfortable with the program - just yesterday I created my first linetype showing where well water will be pumped throughout the site.  Sounds boring - but to these eyes extremely satisfying.

My view from my intern desk.

There is a great balance between work and social interaction in eMi, which is best expressed in the daily devotions and prayer hour (or half hour if we are 'busy') that we share.  I have appreciated the diversity of devotions and reflections that have been expressed over the past two months.  Our conversations about faith, God, and life have become increasingly animated as the staff, interns and volunteers deepen friendships and share experience.  It is also not uncommon for someone to bring in some sort of tasty treat as well during this time (I have high hopes for Halloween upcoming!)

Sitting down for some devotions and enjoying brownies!
My days end with a bike ride home (all uphill!) and dinner with my housemates.  Tonight was omelettes supreme with croissants on the side - very filling!

I'll sign off quickly with a few prayer requests.

  • I am actively job hunting for the new year but have told the staff that if nothing comes up I would be glad to intern again this winter.  Please pray that my steps would be ones following him.
  • Engineering Ministries International Canada is hosting a big fundraiser this Saturday to close off the year.  Much of the office, project and staff costs are raised through this event, pray that we will trust in His provision and be focused solely on sharing the amazing work that God has done using eMi.
  • Lastly, I have had a few conversations with my neighbors downstairs and am hoping to have them 'over' for a meal sometime in the near future.  They liked my cookies on Thanksgiving weekend so I don't think it will take much convincing!
Thank you for your prayers and continued interest in my adventure out West.
In Christ,

P.S.  One of the volunteers from the trip made a short summary video of our time in Myanmar.  Enjoy! (that was the surprise....)


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